my boys

my boys

Thursday, December 18, 2008

tagged again!

mamazana ni asyik tag i jerk!! ehee.. ssh tau nk jawab :p

-Do u think u are HOT?
ohh tidakkk..

-Upload a fav pic of you

-Why do u like this picture?
coz' candid picture! tgh mkn plak tu..huhu

-When was the last time u ate pizza?
baru jerk! 2ari lps wit' my opis mate..

-The last song u listen too?
all the things she said! by T.a.t.u

-What are u doing right now besides this.
tgh wat keje opis! kekeke.. tau kt bos aku mampus!!

-What name u prefer besides yours?
mama.. ofcoz!!!

-People to tag:
haha! xkira aku nk tag jue gak.. X nih kena jawab ok..hahhaha

wajah baru! mdi